How the idea of ​​a Web Marketing Agency in Lugano was born

Where does the story of Organica, our advertising agency specialized in web marketing based in Canton Ticino, start from?

It all began in an agency in the centre of Milan, one of the most productive cities in Europe in terms of digital marketing. At the time, there were no training courses so all the know-how in this sector came from experience, successes, mistakes and solutions found to put things right.

In 2010/2011, Milan began to suffer the consequences of the economic crisis that began in 2008 throughout Italy and around the world. The situation started to become critical for everyone. Yet, it is precisely in such cases that it is paramount to arm yourself with determination and to use typical skills of problem solvers. So we decided to turn our gaze to another country, Switzerland, where we found a more stable framework system compared to the one in Italy, as well as fertile ground on which to make a new company flourish: Snds.

Our history

From intuition to Snds

Hence, Snds came to life in 2013 in Lugano and took shape from a solid base of experience and a great need for stability in order to build value for itself and for local, regional and international clients. During the first months we had to settle in and adjust to cantonal and Swiss dynamics. We have grown very quickly, thanks to our experience gained in the Milan area and our craving for innovation and change, which we found in our first Ticino clients. We immediately distinguished ourselves from other companies in the advertising sector and after 7 years we created a team 21 employees and an exponential million-franc growth in turnover for both us and our clients.

The world of web marketing, as we know, is constantly changing and extremely dynamic; what is innovative today is already old after only 6 months. To be able to differentiate oneself from others and emerge, you have to have a strong predisposition to continuous technical training, as well as a strong dose of creativity and motivation. It is in this very context and in following these dynamics that our company has decided to renew itself once again and give life to a completely new reality, which encapsulates all the experience and history of the past whilst focusing on growth, change and the future.

Our new brand surrounded by our values

The tale of a story that comes from far away and evolves with a broad and innovative vision towards the future, towards new forms of communication. In our vision, the uniqueness of the human being is expressed through the innovative language of digital.

Click the arrows and discover the timeline!

  1. SNDS is founded

    December, 2013

    Fabio Angotti founds SNDS as one of the first web agencies in the Canton Ticino and establishes itself in the area as a pioneer in the web marketing.

  2. Google Partner

    December, 2013

    The agency was already born as an official partner of Google, a well-deserved title thanks to the high quality of its services.

  3. Partnership with PostFinance

    June, 2015

    As a further symptom of affirmation and presence on the territory, SNDS enters into a partnership with one of the most well-known institutions in Switzerland.

  4. Office expansion in via Carlo Frasca

    September, 2016

    For great creativity and an ever-growing team it is necessary a large and easy space, for this reason our agency expands its offices in the heart of Lugano.

  5. Start of business development

    December, 2016

    With the expansion of the team, the new offices and the exponential increase of local and international customers, the company develops further and goes from the status of startup to that of a young company.

  6. The offices in the TAG Art Gallery

    March, 2018

    The creativity of our team needs daily inspiration and large spaces where you can give free rein to expressiveness and originality. SNDS starts a collaboration with TAG, an art gallery where it widens his offices again to be inspired by works of art exposed.

  7. We Are Organica is born

    December, 2019

    The evolution of the company does not stop, on the contrary, it looks big and with a far-sighted vision on the future of society and the world of communication. Thus was born the first seed of a new era: it comes to life the company We Are Organica.

  8. The launch of the brand Organica

    January, 2021

    Like a tale carved in clay, the story of Organica takes form on the web through a site representative of his identity, of his own values ​​and above all of the message it intends to spread: they are the people a make a difference, people are the real added value of companies and of their way of communicating.

December, 2013

SNDS is founded

Fabio Angotti founds SNDS as one of the first web agencies in the Canton Ticino and establishes itself in the area as a pioneer in the web marketing.

December, 2013

Google Partner

The agency was already born as an official partner of Google, a well-deserved title thanks to the high quality of its services.

June, 2015

Partnership with PostFinance

As a further symptom of affirmation and presence on the territory, SNDS enters into a partnership with one of the most well-known institutions in Switzerland.

September, 2016

Office expansion in via Carlo Frasca

For great creativity and an ever-growing team it is necessary a large and easy space, for this reason our agency expands its offices in the heart of Lugano.

December, 2016

Start of business development

With the expansion of the team, the new offices and the exponential increase of local and international customers, the company develops further and goes from the status of startup to that of a young company.

March, 2018

The offices in the TAG Art Gallery

The creativity of our team needs daily inspiration and large spaces where you can give free rein to expressiveness and originality. SNDS starts a collaboration with TAG, an art gallery where it widens his offices again to be inspired by works of art exposed.

December, 2019

We Are Organica is born

The evolution of the company does not stop, on the contrary, it looks big and with a far-sighted vision on the future of society and the world of communication. Thus was born the first seed of a new era: it comes to life the company We Are Organica.

January, 2021

The launch of the brand Organica

Like a tale carved in clay, the story of Organica takes form on the web through a site representative of his identity, of his own values ​​and above all of the message it intends to spread: they are the people a make a difference, people are the real added value of companies and of their way of communicating.


" We strive daily to obtain the results expected by us and our clients. We are naturally goal-oriented and the success of the activities we carry out is the driving force behind our enthusiasm."


There is no winning technique without originality of ideas. In our brainstorming sessions we give a free rein to the imagination in order to generate brilliant and original ideas. Creativity is a winning brush with which we paint the web canvas.


In a varied, dynamic and creative world like that of web marketing, a linear and well-organized structure cannot be missing. The management of strategies, activities and flows is our agency's guarantee of quality.


Each of us has something to teach, a value to pass on, an experience to tell. This is why for us ""collaboration"" is synonymous with mutual enrichment: the best way to grow and achieve great results.


In our view, a client's image is all that is needed for successful communication: added value, authentic, truthful and traditional. We will never ask them to deviate from it and we highlight it on the web.


All options are feasible when we choose respect for others people's ideas and history. This is an essential principle for us when collaborating with our internal team, as well as clients and their company.


Transparency is an indispensable variable for building a stable and lasting relationship of trust. Our priority is to get to know clients and to transmit to them our values of being ethical, honest and trustworthy.

We Are Organica

The birth of a new era

Snds was the acronym for Social And Search. Its name takes its cue from the market in which it launched through its new Brand, with the idea of ​​accompanying clients in the world of web marketing. Our claim was “Stand out. Communicate ".

Today, with the birth of Organica, we realize the desire to help companies build successful communication that starts from within, because we believe that all the winning keys of extraordinary and effective communication are already on the walls and desks of our clients. We, as a company, present ourselves with the idea of ​​grasping added value and giving a technical and creative order to our clients' presence on the web, with the aim of transmitting a natural image with sustainable effort in terms of time and resources.
From there our payoff "Digital Be Human".

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